Professionalism in Breathwork

The Global Professional Breathwork Alliance was created in 2001 to help establish Breathwork as a valid and respected healing and wellness modality in the world today. A profession is established by a group of practitioners of a skill or service that make an agreement with the public to monitor its membership with standards of training and ethical treatment of its clientele.

The famous and most widely accepted definition of a profession is the one handed down by the late Justice Brandeis of the United States Supreme Court: “A profession is an occupation requiring extensive preliminary intellectual training pursued primarily for others, and not merely for oneself and accepting as a measure of achievement one’s contributions to society rather than financial advancement.”

A profession is known by the ethical attitude within the mind and heart of each person who practices that occupation. But it is not enough to have that attitude in one’s mind and heart. It must be brought forth and cultivated so that the rest of the world may know of its existence. This is the mission of the GPBA. Professionalism in Breathwork is of utmost importance for ensuring safety, effectiveness, and ethical practice within the field. The following delineate some key reasons why professionalism is crucial in Breathwork:


Professionalism in Breathwork involves maintaining a safe environment for practitioners and clients. Trained professionals understand the potential risks and contraindications associated with different Breathwork techniques. They can guide clients through practices safely, monitor their physical and emotional well-being, and respond appropriately to any adverse reactions or emergencies.


Skill and Competence

Professionals in Breathwork possess the necessary knowledge, training, and experience to deliver effective sessions. They understand various Breathwork techniques, their applications, and how to tailor them to individual needs. This expertise ensures that clients receive the intended benefits from the practice and achieve optimal outcomes.


Ethical Standards

Professional Breathwork practitioners adhere to a set of ethical standards and guidelines. They respect client confidentiality, maintain boundaries, and prioritize the well-being and autonomy of their clients. Professionalism ensures that practitioners act in the best interests of their clients and avoid any potential harm or misconduct.


Client-Centered Approach

Professionals in Breathwork focus on the needs and goals of their clients. They conduct thorough assessments, listen attentively, and create customized sessions that align with the client’s intentions and preferences. This client-centered approach enhances the overall experience and maximizes the potential benefits of Breathwork.


Continual Learning and Growth

Professional Breathwork practitioners engage in ongoing education and professional development. They stay updated on the latest research, techniques, and best practices in the field. This commitment to learning allows them to refine their skills, expand their knowledge base, and provide high-quality services to their clients.


Collaboration and Networking

Professionalism in Breathwork encourages collaboration and networking among practitioners. This fosters a supportive community where professionals can exchange ideas, share resources, and learn from one another. Collaborative efforts contribute to the advancement of the field and promote a collective commitment to excellence.


Public Trust and Credibility

When Breathwork is practiced professionally, it enhances the credibility and reputation of the field as a whole. Clients feel confident seeking services from qualified professionals who adhere to ethical standards and prioritize their well-being. This trust and credibility contribute to the growth and acceptance of Breathwork as a valuable modality.


In summary, professionalism in Breathwork ensures safety, competence, ethics, client-centeredness, continual learning, collaboration, and the establishment of public trust. These factors collectively contribute to the overall effectiveness and integrity of Breathwork practice.

Breathworkers certified by the GPBA have learned the science, demonstrated the competencies and received the supervision needed to deliver professional quality service. Schools certified by the GPBA have taught the required curriculum and graduated professional practitioners for a minimum of two years before receiving certification. Ethically compliant practitioners and programs have met minimum standards of breathwork training and ethical education in conjunction with other healing arts in which they may specialize. Ethical standards are maintained according to an ethical code attested to by all members and a restorative justice model for addressing violations of this code.

The GPBA is representative of the diversity of Breathwork modalities which seek to bring trust and professionalism to the growing field of Breathwork now and in the future.