Global Professional Breathwork Alliance

The international organization for Professionalism, Ethics, and Training Standards in Breathwork.

Dedicated to excellence in somatic, emotional, cognitive and spiritual healing and transformation through Breathwork.

Join one of our membership levels:

Certified Breathwork School/Program
Certified Breathwork School/Program with Distinction
Ethically Compliant
Breathwork School/Program
Certified Breathwork
Certified Breathwork
Practitioner with Distinction
Ethically Compliant
Breathwork Practitioner
Breathwork Alliance Partner
Breathwork Supporter

Become a GPBA-Certified Practitioner

For breathwork practitioners and trainers who have fulfilled the GPBA-recognized professional standards for breathwork training.

Become a GPBA-Certified School/Program

For schools/programs who have offered trainings in compliance with the GPBA’s Standards of Ethics & Training of breathwork training for the last two years.

Join as an
Alliance Partner

For groups and organizations in support of the field of Breathwork around the world.

Join as an
Affiliate Member

For individuals in support of the field of Breathwork around the world.