Listing on the GPBA site signifies compliance with the GPBA code of ethics. For certified practitioners, listing attests to adherence to the training standards for one’s certifying school. All members benefit from belonging to a professional organization that displays its standards of ethics and practitioner compliance. Members will receive a certificate of their professional membership.

Membership types:

Affiliate Members People who want to support healthy breathing in the World. ($25 USD)

Alliance Partners An Alliance Partner is an organization whose purpose is in alignment with that of the GPBA. The partnership is mutually supportive in promoting Breathwork in the world. ($25 USD)

Certified Practitioners Breathwork practitioners and trainers who have fulfilled their respective school’s recognized professional standards for breathwork training. Those complying with the GPBA Training Standards are indicated. ($75 USD)

Schools/Training Programs A breathwork school/training program that has offered trainings in compliance with the GPBA ethics of breathwork training and has existed for at least two years. ($100 USD)